Rheumatoid Arthritis
Home / Rheumatoid ArthritisRheumatoid Arthritis Treatment in Delhi

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment-
- It is an autoimmune disease where your own immune system mistakenly attacks your own body tissue.
- RA causes inflammation of the joints mainly the small joints initially. This results in joint pain and swelling.
- There is symmetry involved. The joint damage that RA causes usually happens on both sides of the body.
- Other than joints, in some people it can affect other body systems like eyes, lungs, heart, etc.
- Joint pain and swelling (mostly affecting the small joints initially and later could affect any joint.)
- Joint stiffness (morning stiffness is the main characteristic of RA, gets better as the day progresses.)
- Fatigue or tiredness
- Fever
- Redness and warmth in the joints
- Decrease in range of motion
- Loss of appetite / weight loss
- RA occurs when immune system attacks the synovium that lines the inner surface of the joint.
- The synovium becomes inflamed, releases chemicals and can damage the bone, tendon ligament and the cartilage.
- If not treated, there can cause the joints to de-shape and can completely destroy it.
Risk Factors
GENETIC – Some studies show that rheumatoid arthritis treatment can run in families.
SEX – Women are affected more than men. High levels of estrogen increase the risk of RA.
SMOKING – Smokers have a higher risk of getting RA than non-smokers.
OOBESITY: Obesity can increase the risk of developing RA.
As we have all understood that RA has no cure, and it needs to be managed and kept in control to improve the quality of life and to lead a pain-free life. So, along with disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs, a RA patient should identify his physiotherapist who can help him in many ways.
A) Pain Relief– Some modalities play an important role
i) Cold packs; given over hot & swollen joints to soothe them.
ii) Hot packs; relaxes tense and tired muscles
iii) TENS (Ttranscutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) – relax the nerve endings
iv) Laser Therapy- High powered lasers to provide immediate relief in pain.
v) UltraSound – Increase circulation in the area and reduces pain.
vi) Hydrotherapy and taping also play an important role.
B.) Exercise Therapy – Plays a very important role in maintaining.
i) Range of movement (ROM) in the joints to prevent contractures.
ii) To improve the muscle strength
ii) Improve the coordination and balance and thus reducing the risk of falls.
iii) Prevent joint damage and thus the functional loss.
iv) These therapeutic exercises are designed keeping the individual affected in mind. The duration and severity are adjusted accordingly.
v) Stretching and strengthening exercises help in flexibility and build up strength.
The exercises make the routine daily activities seem less tiring and simpler.
C.) Rehabilitation treatment techniques- These involve joint protection strategies like; giving enough rest to the affected joint, use of splints and compression gloves (at timess). These help in reducing pain. Use of walking aids is also suggested sometimes.
D. Gentle Soft Tissue mobilization – It helps in relieving pain & increasing ROM. Gentle oscillatory manual massages are soothing.
Send us a message with your contact details and one of our staff will contact you right away.
235, Avtar Enclave,Paschim Vihar,Delhi – 110063
Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment FAQ’s
Rheumatoid Arthritis, or RA, is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in your joints because of your immune system.
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition, which means it’s caused by the immune system attacking healthy body tissue.
- Inflammation in the joints
- Tenderness and pain in the joints
- Fever, loss of appetite, and fatigue
There is a misconception that rheumatoid arthritis can affect your joints only. On the contrary, RI can severely damage important body systems, like your eyes, skin, lungs, and blood vessels.
Any person with Rheumatoid Arthritis is more prone to infections. That means if you are a Rheumatoid Arthritis patient, your chances of getting COVID-19 infection are higher.
Yes, during cold, the joint fluids’ thickness increases making them stiffer and harder. Also during cold weather, people are less active which also adds up to Rheumatoid Arthritis pain.
Physiotherapy is very effective in pain relief caused by Rheumatoid Arthritis. Physical therapy will help you to restore muscle pain, increase your motion, and increase your joint strengths to combat rheumatoid arthritis pain.