Home / StrokeStroke Treatment in Delhi

Stroke is a medical emergency that is caused by the rupture or bleed of a blood vessel in the brain. It interrupts and reduces the brain functioning by blocking blood flow and prevents the brain from getting required oxygen and nutrients. The absence of nutrients and oxygen leads to the death of brain cells within a few minutes.
Immediate medical treatment is very necessary for stroke. Fast and immediate response helps to avoid the risk of brain damage and complications. In certain cases, lack of treatment also leads to death. However, with the advancement of technology, prompt treatment for stroke has become possible. This has led to lesser deaths as compared to the past.
Stroke may have damaging after-effects restricting movements and many major functions of the body. It is for this reason, expert health professionals often recommend to undergo physiotherapy as one of the most potential treatments for stroke. The recovery rate due to physiotherapy is very high in case of patients who suffered from stroke
Symptoms of stroke
The symptoms of stroke become prevalent from the beginning itself. If you are with someone who is having a stroke, the symptoms will be noticeable from the beginning. These include Trouble in speaking and inability to understand what others are saying
- Severe headache
- Troubled walking
- Problems seeing
When to seek medical attention?
Once the symptoms become visibly prominent, it becomes extremely necessary to see a doctor. Some of the prominent conditions in which you will need to seek a doctor include the following
- Slurred speech
- Drooping face
- Inability to move arms or leg
- paralysis
Physiotherapy for strokePhysiotherapy over the years has played an important role in treating patients with stroke.
When the patient visits us, a thorough assessment is done that would include checking the muscle tone, strength, balance and the coordination.
Rehabilitation of the patient includes individually tailored exercises that are according to symptoms and lifestyle of the individual.
Physiotherapy management starts in the hospital itself. The exercises according to the strength could be Passive exercises in which chest physiotherapy would play an important role. It could be Assisted, Active or Resisted exercises. Resisted exercises help in the strengthening of the muscles.
Stretching is done to reduce the muscle and joint stiffness.
Management of the pain is required in certain individuals. Often a stroke patient has a subluxated shoulder on the affected side.
Physiotherapy plays an important role in reeducating the brain about the affected side and reorganising the undamaged cells of the brain to do work of the dead damaged cells that happened due to stroke. A process called Neuroplasticity. Rehabilitation by our expert physiotherapist will make you relearn the movement and regain functions.
Apart from the physical damages, patients also have problems in switching positions after stroke. Physiotherapy treatment helps in teaching the patient about changing position, that is in sitting, standing and walking. Walking is always started with support. Changing position is required to reduce skin damage, shoulder pain and discomfort, and limb swelling. It is further aimed at strengthening the soft tissues and maximizing the functions.
Physiotherapy positioning also helps to lower the risk of respiratory complications post stroke. Positioning is aimed at helping patients experience appropriate sensory information, improved ability and preventing various complications such as pressure sores and contracture.
Early Mobilisation
Stroke affects the mobility of a patient. It may further cause a number of problems such as deep vein thrombosis. Early mobilisation is aimed at reducing the time between stroke and minimal recovery of the patient for leaving the bed.
By increasing physical mobility, early mobilisation helps to lessen immobility complications and boost functional recovery.
Stroke patients have a lot of trouble in balancing due to lack of control, and altered sensation. Impaired balance may also have mental and emotional complications as it leads to reduced confidence, constant fear of falling and increased risk of falling on standing. The amount of balance and coordination affected is according to the area of the infarct.
The evidence has shown physical therapy helps to restore trunk performance and eventually boost dynamic sitting balance. No matter whether you are standing or sitting, the physiotherapy postures are aimed at enhancing the complete control and overall balance.
Gait training or walking in a correct manner( heel-toe pattern) is taught.
Electric muscle stimulation can be used for strengthening. It is also recommended for wrist drops and foot drops. Teach the patient to do the exercises in front of a mirror. Visual feedback helps him to correct his movements.
Correct physiotherapy started at the right time will not just improve functions, regain strength but help the patient to gain confidence faster and get back to his daily routine.
Send us a message with your contact details and one of our staff will contact you right away.
235, Avtar Enclave,Paschim Vihar,Delhi – 110063
Stroke Treatment FAQ’s
A stroke is a medical condition that causes problems in speaking, walking, paralysis, etc. A stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of your brain is interrupted or reduced, preventing brain tissue from getting oxygen and nutrients.
Stroke can cause bleeding into or around the brain. When a stroke happens, the blood supply around the brain is interrupted due to which brain cells die.
High blood pressure is a leading cause of stroke. It occurs when the pressure of the blood in your arteries and other blood vessels is too high.
Yes, stroke can be cured through pre-stroke and post-stroke physical therapy, rehabilitation based on treating an individual’s underlying risk factors.
Stroke risk can be reduced by regularly monitoring and keep a check on your blood pressure, maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, exercising regularly, avoiding smoking and any other drugs have can result in blood clotting.
In a stroke attack, the recovery rate varies depends upon the size of the stroke and the damage to the brain. With rehabilitation therapy, 10% of the patients recover fully and more than 25% of the victims recover with slight impairements.
Physiotherapists use manual therapies and assistive equipment to reduce the risk of strokes and help in stroke rehabilitation. This includes standing, walking, getting out of bed, speech therapy, etc.