Physiotherapy for spinal cord injury varies depending on the location and severity of your injury. There’s a wide spectrum of spinal cord injury classifications, so it’s important to seek a physiotherapist to set up a personal exercise plan specific to your injury.

A physiotherapist will analyze each of your physical abilities and create a rehabilitation plan customized just for you.

Types of Physiotherapy for Spinal Cord Injury

Depending on your site of injury and the extent of your paralysis, you will participate in various types of physical activity.

Here are some types of exercises you can expect to do at physiotherapy for spinal cord injury.

1. Aerobic Exercises

aerobic exercise is a type of physiotherapy for spinal cord injury recovery The heart is the hardest-working muscle in the body and aerobic exercises will help keep it healthy.

Why do we need a healthy heart? Because the heart is responsible for pumping blood throughout our bodies. Blood is full of nutrients and oxygen that energizes our organs and keeps them functioning properly.