Does your shoulder feel stiff and painful, like it’s trapped in ice? You might have frozen shoulder, a condition that restricts movement and makes simple tasks a struggle.

Frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis, is where the capsule surrounding your shoulder joint thickens and tightens, restricting movement and leaving you with a dull ache that can flare into searing agony. 

Here are some common reasons for a Frozen Shoulder:

  1. Injury and Immobilization: Like a neglected flower wilting away, your shoulder joint thrives on movement. When an injury or surgery forces you to keep it still for a long time, the capsule surrounding the joint can thicken and tighten, leading to a frozen shoulder. This is why athletes and those recovering from fractures are more susceptible.
  2. Age and Wear and Tear: Time, the master sculptor, can slowly reshape our bodies. As we age, the tissues in our shoulder wear and tear, making them more prone to inflammation and thickening, which can pave the way for a frozen shoulder.
  3. Medical Conditions: Sometimes, an underlying medical condition can act as the puppet master, pulling the strings behind the scenes of a frozen shoulder. Diabetes, thyroid problems, and even Parkinson’s disease can increase your risk of developing this condition.
  4. Hormonal Changes: Hormones, those tiny chemical messengers, can play a surprising role in your shoulder’s health. Women, especially during menopause, have a higher chance of experiencing frozen shoulders, possibly due to hormonal fluctuations.
  5. Genetics: Family history can sometimes whisper secrets about future ailments. If your parents or siblings have had frozen shoulder, you might be more predisposed to it as well.


Remember, these are just the potential suspects. Uncovering the true cause of your frozen shoulder might require a medical detective, your doctor. 

They can gather clues from your history, symptoms, and even imaging tests to pinpoint the culprit and tailor a treatment plan to melt away the ice and set your shoulder free.

How can physiotherapy help your frozen shoulder?

DelhiPhysiocare’s skilled physical therapists can help you melt away the freeze and regain your freedom. Here’s how:

  1. Gentle Movements: Forget forcing it! Our therapists guide you through safe, gradual stretches and exercises to loosen your shoulder joint, inch by inch. Think of it like warming up stiff muscles in the morning – slow and easy.
  2. Pain Relief: Frozen shoulder can be painful, but we have ways to ease the ache. Warmth therapy, gentle massages, and even special electric currents can send soothing signals to your muscles, calming the pain and making movement easier.
  3. Building Strength: As your shoulder loosens up, we’ll help you build strength in the surrounding muscles. Think of it like building bridges over thawed ice – strong muscles support your joint and prevent future stiffness.
  4. Home Exercises: We don’t leave you on your own! You’ll get a personalized exercise program to do at home, like gentle stretches and strengthening exercises. It’s your daily dose of sunshine to keep the ice at bay and keep your progress going.
  5. More Than Just Exercises: Frozen shoulder can affect your mood and daily life. Our therapists understand. They’ll offer support, answer your questions, and help you find ways to stay active and connected, reminding you that even the coldest winter eventually gives way to spring.


Contact DelhiPhysiocare today and let their skilled physiotherapists guide you back to a sun-drenched world where your shoulder sings with pain-free movement. 

Remember, a frozen shoulder might feel like a permanent winter, but with the right physiotherapy, spring is always just around the corner.