A perfect way to get in shape is to run, but it can also lead to injuries. Knowing about and how to avoid common injuries will keep you on track to meet your fitness goals.

You can prevent many common running injuries by taking a few precautions and planning. Here are some tips for the prevention of running injuries.

1- Identify your running goals

In order to enhance your figure, lose weight, increase cardiovascular fitness, or socialize with friends, you can choose to start running. Whatever the cause, when designing your workout routine, it’s a good idea to identify this goal.

For example, if you want to boost cardiovascular fitness to increase your heart rate, you should run at a fast pace. It’s safer to run at a slower pace for a longer time if you’re training to lose weight or decrease body fat. Your fitness expert or personal trainer can determine that a moderate walking or jogging program is suitable, depending on your target and the initial fitness levels.Setting goals encourages you to follow a safe pace and prevents you from being overworked, which can lead to injury.

2- Have a physical evaluation

Some health issues can hinder your running performance and increase the risk of injury. In particular, the injury risk can be increased by osteoporosis, arthritis, and other degenerative joint diseases. If you have any serious health concerns, before you start to run, you should discuss these with your doctor or physiotherapist.

3- Warm up before you run and stretch after you run

Doing so will stop some of the more prevalent accidents. Stretching the muscles that move the joints of your leg and ankle is most necessary. These are mainly your quadriceps and hamstrings which are the main thigh muscles and the calf muscles. For 5 minutes, stroll or softly jog. For another 5 minutes at the end of your race, cool down at the same pace.

4- Wear the correct shoes

We often ignore the fact that shoes are critical gear for running. Always wear shoes that are suitable for your running style, foot movement, and body type. This will aid in avoiding injury. Studies have proved that running shoes last for a certain mileage. If your running shoes’ soles have worn thin or are angled, you are overdue for a new pair. Wear properly-fitting socks and shoes with strong support: be shoe wise. Please suggest using orthotic shoe inserts if you have foot issues, such as flat feet or high arches.

5- Stay hydrated & Be Safe

On the days when you race, make sure you drink an additional 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 cups of water. Drink a sports drink to replenish the electrolytes lost in sweat while you’re running for more than an hour. Run during the day, or use light in well-lit places so you can be seen. Keep your mobile phone and ID on. Set the volume low enough when running with headphones so that you can hear traffic and other noises. When you can, run with a buddy. Before you go for a run, check the weather conditions. If it is over 90 degrees Fahrenheit, below zero, or the humidity is high, don’t run outside. Wear lightweight, breathable clothing that wicks your skin away with moisture. Layered wear. Wear a hat to cover yourself from the sun and the cold.

6- Cross train & Run wisely

Switch up your routine for fitness. Don’t just run. Try to swim, bike, play tennis, or do some other sport. This helps avoid accidents from overuse that occur more often when you perform the same form of exercise over and over again. To the routine, add weight lifting and ab exercises. It enhances muscles and strengthens core strength. Speak to a trainer before commencing a running routine. A coach will help you build a running schedule that is in line with your established fitness skills and long-term goals. Before your body gets used to the exercise, run on a flat, smooth surface and avoid steep hills.

If you keep these tips in mind, you will definitely benefit while running and can prevent any unwanted injuries during running. If you have a pre-existing running injury that you think can reoccur during running, you can take expert physiotherapy consultation in Delhi at DelhiPhysioCare.com under the supervision of Senior Physiotherapist Dr. Shruti Paul. She has over 20 years of expertise in Sports Physiotherapy and is available for consultation on the phone or clinic with prior appointments.