A number of people around the world have been suffering due to a prolapsed or slipped disc. The slip disc act as shock absorbers between the vertebrae and are aimed at easing the pain. However, the gel-like nucleus bulges out which is the main cause of discomfort. It can cause nerve-rooting pain which may often affect the legs as well.

While medicines have been found to be effective in treating slipped disc, it is mostly physical exercise or physiotherapy that contributes to ease the pain. It is necessary to find the accurate treatment at the right time before the pain exaggerates. Before moving to how physiotherapy can help treat slipped disc, let us look at what are the causes and symptoms of prolapsed or slipped disc.

What are the causes of a slipped disc?

The Spine is one of the most sensitive areas of the body. One small push or injury can have a severe impact on the spine. Hence, some of the potential causes of the spine include the following-

  • Awkward Movement
  • Suddenly Bending Forward
  • Picking up a heavy object all of a sudden that can lead to a shock down the spine
  • Coughing or sneezing heavily
  • Heavy injury due to any accident

How do I know I have been affected by a slipped disc?

A Slipped disc can cause a stinging pain around the vertebrae. If you have been feeling this pain lately and it hasn’t gone away, it is time that you visit a doctor. However, there are other symptoms as well that will help you finalize whether the pain is due to a prolapsed disc or something else. Hence, some of the symptoms of slipped discs include the following

  • Weakness in leg or foot
  • Sharp pain in lower back pain
  • Shifting in back and pelvis
  • Muscle spasm
  • Numbness

The above-mentioned are however only the initial symptoms. With time, if the treatment is not done, the symptoms may aggravate. Some of the most common ones include the following

  • Problems in sitting and standing
  • Lifting
  • Bending
  • Pain while picking up things

Diagnosis of Slipped disc

The doctor would confirm the presence of a slipped disc through an MRI or CT scan. Furthermore, they would also conduct a physical examination to determine the source of pain, nerve function around the affected area, and muscle stability and strength.

People active in sports activities are more prone to such pain. Hence, the doctor would want to know about these as well. Make sure to talk thoroughly with the doctor to take your treatment in the right direction.

Physiotherapy and Slipped discs

Out of all the treatment methods, physiotherapy is one of the most effective treatments for slip disc. After the diagnosis is complete, the physiotherapist would recommend certain exercises that would be helpful for treating slipped discs.

The physiotherapist would recommend exercises that will help to reduce pain, improve flexibility, and lower the chances of extreme pain coming back. Some of the prominent physiotherapy treatment for prolapsed discs include the following

  • Postural Advice
  • Soft Tissue Massage
  • Joint Mobilisation
  • Acupuncture
  • Exercises to prevent nerve irritation
  • Strengthening exercise to the lower extreme pain
  • Electrical stimulation to tools the pain
  • Lower back exercises to relieve pain and nerve-stimulation