Most people are prone to frozen shoulder due to changing conditions and especially age. With ageing, the bone structure begins to weaken which in turn causes a lot of problems. While there are surgical and medicinal treatments, physiotherapy has been considered as one of the best conditions for treating frozen shoulders.

What is a frozen shoulder?
Frozen shoulder is also known as adhesive capsulitis is a condition affecting the shoulders thereby preventing the range of motion. The changes in shoulder tissue (thin or thick) leads to the development of scar tissues. The changes in tissue’s shape prevent the shoulder from moving in a proper direction. The limited range of motion leads to swelling, stiffness and pain. People between 40-60 years of age are the most prone to frozen shoulders.

What are the symptoms of frozen shoulder?
One may experience pain in the frozen shoulder. This further leads to frozen shoulder being confused as shoulder pain. However, frozen shoulders hurt and the stinging pain prevents from moving.

Since there’s limited motion, one may have a bad experience and this further leads to increased stiffness. With time, the evidence becomes common. People suffering from frozen shoulders have a tough time raising their hands in the upward direction to reach for something.

Although these are common symptoms, if your condition becomes severe, one may have a tough time carrying out day to day activity. Daily activities such as dressing will become extremely problematic due to frozen shoulders.

Causes of frozen shoulder
Conditions such as hormonal imbalance, weak immune system and diabetes will eventually lead to joint inflammation. Apart from that, if you haven’t been active for a long time due to any condition like surgery, injury, and illness, you will still be prone to inflammation and adhesions. This will directly impact your soft tissues thereby making it stiff. Frozen shoulders do not develop overnight and will need two to nine months to show the exact symptoms.

Physical Therapy for Frozen shoulder
Physical therapy is aimed at continuous stretching of the shoulders to regain the lost motion. The treatment may be carried on till 9 months to record the progress. You may either visit a physiotherapist or book a home appointment to practise the exercises on a regular basis.

The progress is usually reported within six months. However, if you fail to notice progress, make sure to consult your therapist.

Some of the prominent exercises that can help you in fast recovery of frozen shoulder include the following

  • Pendulum Stretch
    Your physiotherapist will help you identify the best way to practise pendulum stretch. With the improving condition, you will be able to swing your arm in a bigger diameter. However, do not force your arms to move in a particular direction.
  • Towel stretch
    Hold a towel with the affected arm and pull it upwards and downwards across the unaffected area. Make sure to practise it daily in 10 to 20 repetitions.

Frozen shoulders may also have an impact in flexibility and balance. It is necessary to get in touch with physiotherapy to prevent falling.